Sex-positivity is the belief that sex and sexiness are… okay. It’s the belief that people shouldn’t be judged by the sex they have. It’s the belief that consent matters and social norms do not. It’s the belief that porn and erotica are valid media of expression (not that the current porn industry is hunky-dory, cause it’s not) and that sex work ought to be just work (not that it currently is). It’s the belief that neither “slut” nor “prude” should be an insult. It’s the belief that every sexual and gender identity is valid.

The Pervocracy: Sex-Pozzie. (via sexisnottheenemy)


consort asked you:
hi kaze oeo can i request terezi??

oops i got carried away??


1 of 4: Seer of Light

I’m just so proud of the kids that I have to do a set HAHA DAMN EVERYTHING


I just want to have green hair!!! hair woes…


TG: are you taking notes on how to be cool?? jesus get a fucking pen


this may sound corny as fuck but if I could make everyone happy I would
I’m not kidding either

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